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Visit the LINKS page for some brand new videos
Get a look first hand at some of the events that we love to stiltwalk at through Melbourne on a regular basis. Australia Day parade in Mornington is our 6th year. More to Come.....
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Beautiful Stil twalking Angel or Snow Queen

The Heavenly Angels have landed.

Perfect for any function, these amazing ethereal Angels will delight every crowd. Fantastic as a winter themed event or Christmas party.

Parading gracefully these very tall, star-spangled stilt Angels will amaze you and create a beautiful ambience that will enhance the spirit of Christmas or themed events.
Perfect for corporate functions to meet and greet guests, or roving through shopping centres or festivals.
What a magnificent sight to see. The stiltwalking angels will shine and sparkle as every child's Christmas dream is made a reality (and even us adults too!).
Enjoy the elegance, charm, and the wonders of Christmas with these beautiful, Stiltwalking Heavenly Angels. They can be solo or duo, male or female.

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Beautiful Stil twalking Angel or Snow Queen


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Christmas Deals and entertainment: Book Now